May 15, 2005 Your Art Here co-founders Shana Berger and Nathan Purath worked directly in York’s public and private schools, which have historically been racially divided. Kids were asked to make drawings of their community. The drawings were then digitally collaged into three billboards still on display in the City of York. The York Art Here project was aimed at projecting …
Allen Peterson
March 2005 Allen Peterson, an artist from Birmingham, Alabama completed a residency sponsored by the Coleman Center and the municipalWORKSHOP during March 2005. Peterson worked on site at Cherokee Park, repairing and cleaning a section of the park that in the past had been the York public swimming pool. Allen created two new works for the site: a “diving board” …
Municipal WORKSHOP Bicycle Shed
Fall 2005 The municipal WORKSHOP Bicycle Shed was created by Richard Saxton while he was a resident artist at the Coleman Center for Arts and Culture from 2003 to 2005. It is a rehabilitation and upgrade project completed on a failing, city-owned structure in York, Alabama. The structure’s main purpose is to house the utility NOW! public works vehicles that …