Afredo Jaar Town Hall

Alfredo Jaar Town Hall

October 20, 2011 The Coleman Center for the Arts (CCA) will be hosting a town hall with international artist Alfredo Jaar on Thursday, October 20, at 6:30 PM in the CCA Gallery. The event is free and open to the public and all are welcome! Alfredo Jaar is a Chilean born artist, architect, and filmmaker who lives and works in …

Alfredo Jaar Seminar

June 1, 2010 The Coleman Center for the Arts is pleased to announce that international artist Alfredo Jaar will be talking about his artwork in York next week. The event will take place on Tuesday June 1st, 2010 at 6 PM. The talk will be followed by a reception with food by the Trackside Blues Cafe and homemade pie from …

Alfredo Jaar and Dr. Kelly Wacker, Contemporary Art Lecture Series

March 2008 Monday, March 24, 6-9 PM: Lecture at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Hill University Center Alumni Auditorium, reception follows at Space One Eleven Wednesday, March 26, 7-9 PM: Lecture at University of Montevallo, LeBaron Recital Hall Friday, March 28, 11 AM – 1 PM: Coleman Center for the Arts, Seminar on Public Art (Seating limited, must register …