Walton Creel, Exhibition and Paintball Event

August 15, 2009 The Coleman Center for the Arts is pleased to present a new project by Walton Creel. Creel’s work is on display in the Coleman Center gallery from June 22 to August 29. A closing reception and community paintball event will be held on Saturday, August 15th from 6-9 PM. Creel’s work investigates various aspects of Southern culture. …

One Mile Garden Design Charrette, Bob Bingham, Ally Reeves, and Robin Hewlett

November 15, 2008 Join artists Bob Bingham, Robin Hewlett, and Ally Reeves at the Coleman Center for the Arts (CCA) for a community meeting to discuss York’s future community garden. The design charrette will take place at the CCA office on Avenue A November 15 at 6 pm. Help CCA artists and staff design our community garden! What kind of …

Ally Reeves and Robin Hewlett

The One Mile Meal by Bob Bingham, Robin Hewlett, and Ally Reeves

July 1, 2008 The Coleman Center is pleased to announce the beginning of a two year project and residency by artists Bob Bingham, Ally Reeves, and Robin Hewlett, from Carnegie Melon University. The artists visited the Coleman Center earlier this month to begin learning about the York and Sumter County community. In 2009, the artists will be completing “the One …